January 25, 2008

Why my man is better than you'll ever be

You know, recently I sent an email to someone... they know who they are. I expected a response back. Instead I got a chilly rebuff. I am shocked and amazed, but then again I should have expected as much. I figured the content of the email was pretty heavy duty and it would take a few days for the person to let the initial shock settle in. I figured after the shock wore off the person would come to their senses and realize that I mean no harm.

Well! Things didn't quite go the way I expected. I started thinking about it and acknowledged some of the things I read on their 'blog' (I use that word loosely because it is actually one of those other spaces) and realized that it takes the better man to do the right thing. I know the request I made was heavy duty, but I stand by the request I made. I think after all this time, to ask one simple thing is not asking much.

I started thinking about my wonderful, wonderful husband and what a blessing it is that he is such a caring, loving father. Being a father is serious business. My husband is all about the business of being Dad. My kids are so different in the way they respond to their Dad. One is shy and brilliant. The other is not shy and hides his brilliance behind his stubbornness. It's the shy one that I want to talk about. He loves his Dad so much, he's always been there for him, almost every day of his life. He talks to his Dad about things he doesn't talk to me about. He knows he can depend on his Dad to provide for him both physically and emotionally.

You know my boy he proved the kind of man he was when Nita died. I never will forget that day for obvious reasons. I remember getting the call from Mom and she told me Nita had passed. I was distraught and freaking out. I called my own mother to try to get the courage to call my husband and inform him of the news. While I was on the phone with my mother a very mature, very strong young man used his cell phone and called his Dad to tell him his baby sister was dead.

How? How in the world did I get such a wonderful son? How did I get the privilege of being the mother to someone who has a good head on his shoulders and just seems to always do the right things even when it's difficult? It seems almost too perfect. I am not saying he is perfect, because no kid is. This kid though is the one who doesn't share his deepest feelings with anyone but his Dad. While his Dad was away fighting a war, he kept me straight. This kid, without being asked functioned as the young man of the house. I never ask him to do some of the things he's done. I remember one night I was all fired up over the 'baby' and was ripping him a new one. My boy came out of his room and said, "You got to bed and you go to bed." I was shocked. He just jumped right in there and in his own way and told both of us... no more bickering tonight, both of you just go to sleep. Like good little children, we both did what he ask.

It's so funny because I can never say too much about what my husband does while I am here in this space. He is my hero. I guess without completely outing what he does for a living I can say over the years I can distinctly remember certain things from over the years that just added to why I think he's such a stand up guy. I remember how bruised and banged up when he got back from one of the top tactical schools in the United States. Even before that though, I remember him driving 140 miles a day when he first started out and we still lived in "Hicksville" He's always done the things he's done to make sure he took good care of me and the boys. He does what a real man does. I remember when he found out he could do exactly what he did in the Marine Corps up here for the National Guard. He signed on the dotted line to take care of his family. It was pretty difficult for those first few years when both the boys were young. We didn't ask for others to help us. He willingly did what he had to do to make sure we were all comfortable and happy. It's that kind of dedication that is translated into why I feel like there isn't anyone else on this planet that could ever hold a candle to things he's done because he loves his family.

I can't believe that someone who works in the high stress environment that he does is so gentle and sweet. I'll only say these few other things about him. When you really think about it it doesn't seem real that the guy who loves kids and all of his nieces and nephews love always saying, "Uncle this and uncle that" is a trained sniper. I mean it, he's got the certificate to prove it, I tell you no lies. There are those who play war, dress up in camouflage and remember old times. My man is a combat vet, SWAT trained, and a former sniper (and those things barely scratch the surface of the things he's managed to accomplish while we've been married). It's insane because I never thought I'd be married to a man that women only dream of. If you like that dangerous really nice guy who's tall and seeps testosterone... that's my guy. And he's so nice, a gentle caring man who loves his kids and family and by day he's any boy or woman's hero. A man who married me with his eyes wide open, he knew what it meant when he took his vows. Not one time has he ever complained or suggested that he was stuck with responsibility that should rest with another. They don't make men like my guy.

I could rave on and on. When the boys see him, they know hands down, he is a real live hero who at the end of the day will still hug two almost grown men and kiss them and tell them he loves them and means it every time.

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