January 12, 2008

Okay Girls

I've been listening to Mary J Blige's No One Will Do (there's a link to the words in the title of this entry.)

Let me tell you... after almost 17 years of marriage, my man is perfectly described by the words of this song. I couldn't ask for a better husband. He's absolutely fabulous. I can't sing a lick but I did serenade him with this song. He was either embarrassed or horrified by my singing. He looked so sweet or slightly constipated.

When you find the right person don't toss him by the wayside. We had our problems and we fuss and fight from time to time but he is willing to put up with my moody butt so you can't ask for more than that. I love how so many women are searching for Mr. Perfect. He does not exist babe. You need to figure out what you're willing to live with.

My guy is family oriented, loves the kids, changed diapers, fed babies, babysat and works very hard. I've watched over the years as he's made sacrifices for our family. He's given up things... back in the day when we were broke... he hocked a gun his dad gave him because he had to. He reminds me of my Pops.

I remember a Christmas when the workers were on strike at his job. My Pops did everything he could to make ends meet during that time. My Pops always knew how to hustle it. My baby has had a second job in the Guard for almost 15 years. He does it all for us. My husband is fabulous. He is the hero I always wanted. There's so much more to him today than when I first married him.

Just as a side note. If you are not a Mary J Blige fan you need to be. Definitely one of my girls. I love Diva music and she is a fabulous Diva, hands down. One thing I like is that her newer stuff calls women to be whole; she promotes knowing who you are as an individual and of course healthy loving relationships. Good stuff :)

Anyway, I came to the realization that my dudes are almost all grown up. I pray more than anything that they are as loving as their Dad. He is a wonderful man and if they turn out half as wonderful as him they will make their wives happy.

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