January 13, 2008

I shouldn't be this happy

We live on a street that is on the end of our power grid. That translates to, our power and our neighbors across the street are on two separate power grids. This has been mildly frustrating over the years because our power seems to go out more often than the people across the street. To make matters worse, the few street lamps on our street are on the other power grid. To verify that the power is out, we literally have to go outside and look down our side of the block for other lights because most of the time the people across the street are enjoying life with lights while we are in the dark.

Well, well, well... this time it's not us. I almost wet my pants with excitement when I saw we had power and this time our neighbors across the street did not. I so should not be happy that they are sitting around in the dark while I bust out a blog entry based on their despair. It's childish. It took everything I had not to go out to the middle of the street and shout at the top of my lungs, "This time it's not us!" I was cool and did not act out my insane happy dance in the street singing Neener...Neener...Neener, it's not us!

Ahhh the small pleasures in life. The last time this happened, we didn't get power back on until I finally called the electric company and reported that everyone else had power on my block. It seems that not only is our house on the opposite grid than our neighbors across the street but for whatever reason our house is on the same smaller grid as the houses directly behind us. It was crazy because I never knew we were connected to our neighbors behind us until the last time we had a power outage. It was about 1 AM and I got in the car and drove around looking at all the lights on. I was baffled as to why EVERYONE had power except us. The poor little receptionist who got me on the line when I called in the wee hours. I was dumbfounded to find out that we were somehow connected to people on a block we don't even live on. Welcome to Idaho; where nothing makes sense.

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