June 04, 2007

Oh goodie, I get to rant first

This weeks assignment is to write about an other. Well now I can get into that. Other. How about other than white in Idaho. Oh wait that is already me. I think I will just toss out some stereotypes this week and see how people react to them. If you haven't read January 2005 "Email to Junior High Principal, Vice-Principal, 8th Grade Counselor and Teacher" I highly suggest that you read that archived entry.

The story gets more shady because the teacher in question called my home and read me the riot act later that night when I sent the email to the school. If things could not get more bizarrishly freaky he used the line, "but some of my best friends are black what will they think of me?" I know you are shocked to hear that. I know how shocked you are to hear this.

It is late at night and I am writing this, I so feel like outing his butt (that would be posting his name here). The only thing I am afraid of is getting sued. Anyway that jerk denied he ever made the statement.

It gets better! As the end of the next school year came to a close, that teacher's son wrote the "N" word in my sons yearbook. Hmmm? Not a racist eh?. I would like to write about the 'others' this week. I think I will target all y'all that I know are racists (Yeah we know. At some point the racist ones always show their true colors). Don't give me the sigh and eye roll. This is real. Two years in a row I had the "N" word come back in a junior high yearbook (in 2005 and 2006) so don't even give me that sigh. Been called the 'N' word more times living here than any other time in my life. Truth!

So my goal is to say pose certain questions in a group format around some y'all that I know are racist and see how far you'll go to step on yourselves. The one that I usually smoke them out with is by talking about Mexican people. I think all brown people in Idaho should unite. You spy for me and I will spy for you. Generally speaking though some of my hispanic friends and I converse and trade notes from our 'suspect' list. There is this one person I have in mind and I know she gets her sheet out from time to time. Not literally but figuratively. I can not create a fictitious story and that is difficult for me not to, I don't want expose all of the trade secrets.

I think I will base this weeks research off of the book pictured above. Fabulous book by the way. I will take some of the scenarios from the book and just ask people's opinions. Kind of a poll but different. I have to give Damali Ayo her shout out. Amazing writer, amazing book, amazing and more amazing. Okay enough ranting. I have linked the above title to Damali Ayo's website so click on it if you are interested in her book or her work in general. Brilliant, brilliant concept and writer.

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