June 24, 2006


One of my other sisters called me last night and told me some potentially devastating news. Devastating you say? Yes, very much so. The news concerns our other sisters boyfriend. He's very sick, to the point where they do not expect him to live much longer. She calls and ask that I pray for him. How? What do I want? What does he want? Can I do anything? Can I make a difference? If so, what kind of a difference can I make?

These are the questions that I asked myself. To compound matters, our other sister has had some hard times and has checked herself into a facility to get some help. She doesn't know that her boyfriend is gravely ill. Does someone tell her and risk her coming out of the facility and spiraling down that path again? It's way too complicated for one person to fathom. I can't solve this with anything I say to anyone, I can't make people change, nor can I force my beliefs on anyone. I wish that I could though. What would I tell them?

I would tell them that there is a better way. Jesus offers that better way. It's not a joke or the opiate of the masses. We hear that and people call Christians freaks because they don't understand the realness of being close to Jesus. I can't explain it. The only thing I can ever suggest is to try it. Why all this? I'm scared, I don't know if Frank has ever accepted Jesus into his life. What if he hasn't? What if, what if, what if? Is it too late? From what I understand, Frank is delusional and out of his right mind right now. What do I pray for? What can I do all these miles away?

I'm torn, they gave him a pretty raw dianosis. When someone says that three quarters of your heart is not functioning and the persons body begins to fill up with fluid there doesn't seem to be much hope. I want him to be completely healed. I want Frank to live. But, is that what concerns me the most? No! What concerns me the most is his spiritual health. Call me freak then, I don't care anymore. What if this man dies and there is something else that I could have done to 'preach' to him and I didn't. I recall him sitting in my house about a year and a half ago and I preached at him a little and told him that it is through the power of God that changes lives. I didn't just put it all out there on the line though and ask him if he had ever accepted Christ. Do you think I did the wrong thing by not just asking him? It's these tragedies that always put me back to this place of wondering if I've done enough.

I am not ashamed of Christ but I am so not eloquent when it comes to face to face talks with people about the saving, healing, loving, forgiving, and on and on and on power of the Lord. I can write it like a big dog though. It's real, I know this and nothing can ever change my opinion regarding that. I've experienced it and also I watch and wonder after all of my many, many screw ups why the Lord continues to put up with me. I know that there is hope for anyone.

This is not about me though, this is about Frank. This is about what to pray and what to say. I told my sister when she called to pray for peace. Peace for Frank's mind and his family and friends. Peace for his very soul to let the spirit do what needs to be done. I'd hate to be in that place and not know for sure that the Lord will never leave me or forsake me. I'd hate to not have the comforting joy that no matter what, my family would understand and know for sure that even if I passed I would be going to a better place.

So, I pray for Frank today. I pray for his peace and healing in his body but most of all I pray that if he's never been given a chance or even if he has that he gets the clear message of the gospel. Frank's had some issues but what has he done that is so terrible in comparison to the rest of us? Though we do not want to hear it, sin is sin. The point is that no one is perfect or better than anyone else. We are all the same which puts us all in the same boat and it gives us all the same opportunities. An equal opportunity God!

Pray for Frank and his family, pray for my sister's wellbeing.

God Bless. If you haven't experienced the love of Christ I suggest you ask and seek Jesus. He changes lives.

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