June 12, 2006

Look who's back

Today marks the beginning of something good I hope. I helped someone set up a new BLOG this weekend and realized what a fool I've been for not maintaining my own site. Silly me. I've had a ton to say but have chosen to keep it all in.

No more! There is one particular person who will stay unnamed that I have a very serious issue with. This person is a total and complete racist jerk. It challenges my Americanized brain to see how people who are racist operate. An incident or two concerning my kids took place and I had to do the 'smoke this sucker out' thing. He rang true to his true colors. For those of you who are non-ethnic, unfortunately I can't give away trade secrets so you'll have to ask someone else how to expose the racist.

I was shocked when the exposure took place but generally, we already have a clue but I think we use it as the final evidence to convict. It would be much easier, I think if a racist person just came out and said they were racist. If people would just have enough nerve to come out and admit it it would be so less time consuming.

Anyway, it is unfortunate that these types of people are elevated in Idaho to positions of authority without being kept in-check. This frightens me. It is amazing how this happens right under our very noses. Look at all of the fallout over comments made by our new State Leader. He created a storm of trouble this last week. He got blasted in the newspaper in New Orleans and they accused him of being racist based on comments he made to a European newspaper.

Initially my reaction was to defend Jim Risch but then when I started thinking about it I had to come to the realization that yeah, there are a ton of racist, narrowminded bigots in my state. Some hidden, some right out there on front street. What do we do? At least the ones that are right out on front street are visible and it does not require the 'smoke them out' dance to expose them. Instead at least I know what I am working with. It is the hidden racists that I am most threatened by. The ones that have no interest in you as a person except to dominate you secretly. It sounds outlandish and 'overly sensitive' on my part but it's not. It is the full on truth.

My latest dealings with this last person was odd. This butthead won in some ways in the end. But, he does not understand that it is not up to me to have the last laugh. As hard as it is to do, I must turn his backwards butt over to the Lord. I must let Him, who can do so much more than I, take care of this battle. I started thinking about slavery. Why as a culture did we endure for hundreds of years? I think it was our faith in the Lord. He gave us as a people the strength to endure the hardships we faced. In the end many lives were lost. Why? Those lives were lost so I could have the freedom today to continue to confront the racism that exists in my world. I can freely express and expose the oppression faced by minorities in Idaho.

And for that, I am thankful for a people who persevered until the end and gave up their lives for me to freely expose those who still try to oppress us in large and small ways.

Pray for your enemies and those who despitefully use you.


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