June 13, 2006

My little sister got married

They did it! They tied the knot or any other thing you want to call it. What do I call it? I call it a fabulous event. I am so happy that my little sister finally got married. She didn't just marry any ole' guy either. She actually married a really nice guy with an equally loving family. It's hard when you release someone you love into the care of someone else. There is a certain amount of uneasiness that comes. Fortunately, she made an outstanding choice and in my opinion, so did he.

I could go on and on with numerous accolades about my little sister. She is a wonderful person who has a strong family base. What I mean by that is that she cares about everyone and from watching her over the years one thing that I've learned is that she will make the hard choices and the sacrifices for her family. My only hope is that she will continue to do the same with her new husband. Just support whatever he's doing and things will always work out. It is her genuine kindness and honesty as a person that draws family and friends to her.

The only thing I really want to say is that it was a beautiful wedding and I am thankful that I was invited to their nuptials. It was good stuff. Of course I have to say, that when they move out of state that I do pray that they find a local church to attend. That's just me! I want them to not only be grounded in each other but also grounded to a local church that feeds them spiritually also. It's important for people to be connected--to meet new people. DO NOT GET CAUGHT UP IN RELIGION! Religion is rigorous and cumbersome and personally, I don't think things were meant to be that way. But! get connected somewhere and enjoy life.

I love you baby girl. With all my heart I love you and I as I come to know your husband I am sure I will love him too. You made an excellent choice. Always speak your mind but also know when to be silent, things just have a way of working themselves out sometimes. I entrust you, make that we, me and your brother, entrust you with confidence into the hands of someone else. I never thought that day would come but it has. Remember always, we love you very, very much and so do the boys. Gosh, I forgot to mention something about the boys. Dude! You have totally watched them grow up. Don't forget about them in your future travels. They love you very much and have said excellent things about you. You inspired them. I will quote from what the baby said, "She didn't date a whole bunch of people, she waited for the right one to come along and she got married to him." Good stuff my friend.

Let's see, I think that's it. I preached a little because I care about you, if not, I wouldn't put myself out on the line. Look at me, I am so not perfect. I still struggle in so many ways but we are all imperfect people who live in an imperfect world. The best we can do is the best we can do.

Always do the best you can for yourself, I could not ask for more. You both are wonderful people and you know we are always here for you, whatever you need. Okay this is my very last thing. Try to make-up with your friend before you leave. I was in a similar situation when I married your brother. Eventually, I made-up with my friend but it took 10 years. Learn from one of my many mistakes. True friendship is forever no matter what.

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