September 24, 2007

It just does, accept it!

Often times when I come to this space, eventually something that I write comes down to race or more specifically, blackness in the white experience. I was walking in for work and started to contemplate why. Things bother me. The other day, I was in class and a person said in essence, "I don't mean to put you on the spot because you are the only black person in class but let me put you on the spot anyway." Why is this that people know that what they are doing can make me (us) feel isolated but they do it anyway? I realize that it is a learning process for others and I am cool with that but only to a certain extent.

Walk a mile in my shoes one day. I noticed over the weekend that with everything going on in Louisiana that relationships between blacks and whites was questioned on CNN. I just looked to see if I could find the same statistics that they quoted yesterday on CNN and they were nowhere to be found. The way that people feel about each group is startling. Way more blacks feel racism is a problem than whites. I want this information known because it is important to understand that in the black community we say that there are still problems but if we do not address these problems as Americans we can't possibly expect to usher in more change. As long as the group that has historically said, "Hey look there is a problem." is still saying there is a problem then the chances are, there is still a problem.

From my own experience, I have been a victim of more racism living in Idaho more than any other experience in my life. I let many things go. I get so sick of the 'oh here she goes again' eye-roll that I get from people. When and how do we have to present it to others so that they can understand it more fully. How many times do I or one of my kids have to endure "Nigger" being shouted at us from passing cars before someone truly understands that one incident is one too many? I didn't ask for that. Catch a clue people. If I hear one more person say something terrible about 'Mexican People' I am going to blow a gasket. People see my face and lovely brown skin and figure they are in good enough company to say horrible things about hispanics in my presence. Most of the time I am way too shocked to respond the way I'd like to.

So yeah, I am going to keep talking about race and how I do or don't fit in because my skin is so brown. You can ask anyone that has known me for a considerable period of time and you'd find that I was never an outspoken person when it comes to race. I never really voiced much at all because where I grew up, primarily the problem was not as deep rooted as it is here in Idaho. I will not let the discussion die. I just can't let the discussion fall by the wayside as something we don't talk about. I look forward to the next time somebody says or does something that is slightly inappropriate. I challenge everyone, black, white or otherwise to speak up in defense of people who just want to live a life free of the hang-ups of race. As a country we have so many other things to combat like bringing troops home, poverty, lack of access to health care etc.

Think about it folks. Click on the link in the title.

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