November 17, 2004

Reaching The World, One Gift...That Makes A Difference

Everyone that knows me, knows that I do not just tell people things just because. I want to express something to you that I feel is important. I was sending a free e-card to my husband and they had one of those advertisements. I clicked on it because it sounded interesting. It was an ad to send Bibles to Iraq. I was pleased to discover that it wasn't a fly-by-night company that is doing the Bibles for the Iraqi people. It is offered through the Campus Crusade For Christ.

As not take my word for it. Check it out for yourself to see if it lines up with something you are interested in participating in. I encourage you to check out the website. There is a link on there where you can mail money to them so don't feel like you have to use the internet in order to send money to support this effort. I want to challenge everyone who has someone, a loved one or good friend who is serving in Iraqi as an American Military Member to send just a little something to help in this effort. It sounds kind of odd as a request but think about the big picture for a moment.

We all desire for the conflict in Iraq to be over. We also desire for the Iraqi people to have healing for the trauma they have endured for many years and also the trauma they have experienced in order to bring settlement to their country. Agree with me or not, it is my opinion that if we can bring the Gospel of Peace it can change the situation. The word peace just keeps haunting my brain. We can help change things for the Iraqi people.

A friend of mine, told me that she was interested in going to Iraq and laying down her life to help her neighbor. Would any of us do that? I know that other people are afraid to go to Iraq out of fear of being beheaded by some terrorist faction. If Campus Crusade is willing lets support them. They are reputable and your money will not be used to help a terrorist organization. Speak up y'all...everyone is afraid to do something. Go with your heart and do what you think is appropriate. Things will work out over there but if we turn our backs and expect others to do what we are unwilling to do now to support then it will take longer than it should to change our present situation.

If you don't like my idea find an organization that you know will really help and open your checkbooks people. There are millions of people counting on us to be the Christian Nation we claim to be.

Make sure you take advantage of the Comment link listed below. I would love to hear from you, plus others will be able to view your responses to anything that you see on here.


And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace. Who bring glad tidings of good things!"

Romans 10:15

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