January 17, 2009

forever and a day!

So I haven't been so good about posting... in about... hmmm. Wow like a year. That's just sad.

My friends made me join Facebook. Oh my... people I haven't seen or heard from in ages. Wow. Okay my friend Sharon. Lord have mercy. She says she is a late bloomer. Funny. Looks like she turned out to be the prettiest of us all. So jealous! All my lovely friends from that space... they are all wonderful. I must say just truly wonderful people.

School is done! For now... I am actually pretty darned happy these days. I almost find myself without anything to write about. Can you believe it?

If I had to rant about anything at all it would only be to say that we should all band together as women. We have so much to offer. We spend much too much time hurting one another that we don't see the good in fellow women. We all have our strange personality quirks. Is this what makes us unique? I think it is. I think for 2009 I will make it my personal goal to not tear another woman down because she's done something to piss me off. Maybe she's just having a bad day.

A friend of mine told me she struggled with her faith in humankind. I think we all get to that place at some point in our lives. Occasionally we do have to go back and reevaluate what's happening in the world around us. It is when we are incapable of breeching the void that we fail. We can contemplate it as long as we want but my hope for anyone is that we are able to retain who we are and recover from the shocks and blows we are dealt.

As always, I think of Nita and at times I've been more depressed than I could have ever imagined or easily admit to myself. It is a humbling experience. We work through it. Sometimes it is just a day by day, minute by minute, baby step motion that propels us forward to the end.

Everything that has transpired put me in the same boat as my friend. I started to think can there ever be justice? I have to believe that in the larger picture everything will work out just fine. I've always believed this. It is the journey of being human--real people with real emotion--that makes me waiver and doubt my own mantra sometimes. In my heart though I know my belief in "it will all work out" is true. It is when we can no longer see our core words that we should worry.

I think everyone comes with a huge bag of interchangeable matching luggage. Let's lighten the load and not add to all the crap others are carrying. Let's show some kindness toward each other this year. Now that's not even gender specific. We can be nice to anyone.

Much love and choose kindness in 2009.