October 28, 2004


Hello Everyone,
I am so glad that you found your way here. This is totally a new experience for me but I hope that is worth your time to come back and continue to check out what I/we have to say to you. I have something to say about events in my community.
In case you know nothing about this let me fill you in briefly. Taco Bell recently gave Boise State University Four Million Dollars. It sounds really nice on the surface but, with that money the University agreed to rename our pavilion to Taco Bell Arena. I won't say too much more about it out of fear of retaliation if I speak out too much. Instead I will provide you with a few websites where you can get more information about what is going on round heah.
http://idahostatesman.com/apps/pbcs.dll/frontpage when you get to the Idaho Statesman page in the upper lefthand corner in the Search box type in Taco Bell for your search name and you can see what has been published for the last 7 days about the Taco Bell Politics.
http://www.arbiteronline.com/ this is a link to the Boise State University newspaper's homepage. When you get there in the upper right hand corner in the search box type in Taco Bell so that you can see ALL of the back and forth that has gone on for the last month or so.
As for me...I would like to comment only by saying the following:
Bell Politics In Boise
We have a dream like all do
Nothin' special, nothin' fancy
At least to you
You signed the contract
Listened to our cries
But still you only fight for your reward
Your prize
We want you here
But we don't mean it
You came with nothing
Oh well
You offer no reward
With you we are board
Of bigots who do not care
Or share
Your pain
Your pride
Your shame
Or is it ours
You're just a box we can check
To say we are diverse
But not in verse
Or deed
This is the sign of our time here
We stand firm, immovable
In greed
The Money
I think that about sums it up for me today. I hope you will visit often. As I start to understand how this all works I will start to post more things.
God's Love,
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
John 13:34